
From the Jewish Observer of WBTS:Finally my story can come out into the open!

From the Jewish Observer of WBTS: Finally my story can come out into the open!

My mother became a member of the WBTS when I became Six Years of Age or more commonly known as Jehovah's Witnesses. My mother left her Judaism for becoming a Member in Excellent Standing with the WBTS.

However I never gave up on being Jewish. I remember the last conversation my Mother had with the Rabbi. She had found "The Truth" and that happpened to become the end of that conversation. However I would always remind the WBTS of my being Jewish! Going to the Kingdom Hall became quite a cultural shock to which I would eventually adjust to; without assimulating into their Culture. I still had a copy of the Hebrew Text of the Torah, Prohets, and the Writings, and the Writings of the Netzarim of Yahushua HaNetzari (The Branch). They assigned me to give talks for a five minute limit I became enrolled in the School of the Ministry. Just because my Mother wanted it that way. OKAY! I will do it. I did give my talk inthe Ministry School and every time I did I became applauded. The Elders did not like my Jewish approach. However they could not stop me. This became a dilemma for them on what they could not do. They had to continue to allow me in the Ministry School. How would they explain me not giving my Talks once a Month to the Congregation.However the Congergation enjoyed it every single time to a round of applause after I had finished Teaching them my Jewish perspective of the Holy Scriptures. They enjoyed it very much. This all started for me back in July 1969 in Hayward, California. Why I happened to become Six years of age. I went to Harder School where the Principal Mr. Reed always understood me and with my being Jewish. Mr. Reed always collected the School Lunch money from all of the students eating for Lunch. However because of my Smiling all the Time. Mr.Reed drew on the Table where he collected the Money for School lunches.

A smile face because of my having smiled all the time! Mr Reed served in World War II with my Grandfather. They were the best of Friends. So Mr. Reed would call up my Grandfather when he had a problem with my Mother the Member of the WBTS as a Jehovah's Witness. There were several of them on Thomas Avenue in Hayward, California. You see Mr. Reed would get letters from all of the Members of the WBTS living on Thomas Avenue. About what Holidays we could not celebrate every year and every holiday season. He did not appreciate it nor their new stand on the Flag Salute. Before he said; Mr. Reed; "Members of the WBTS could Praise the LORD and pass the amunition during World War II." Untill the new Light of the Governing Body came out with new understanding that this became forbidden as well.

Well that is a start of my beginning to understand on how the WBTS had been in the habit of changing their Teaching to fit the new and improved theology of seperating themselves from the World. By not being like them!

Some more later on!

From the Jewish Observer of (WBTS) Watchtower Bible Tract Society. Reporting the truth about (WBTS) with a unique sense of Humor!

From the Jewish Observer of (WBTS) Jehovah's Witnesses:

I shall post some time today. Comments are Welcomed! However the Comments are Moderated! Why? In order to ensure everyone can comment on the Post which I have posted. I will give my Jewish perspective on the meaning of the Holy Scriptures. However you are all allowed in your comments to give your perspective on the meaning of the Holy Scriptures.

The Jewish Observer of (WBTS) Welcome everyone to the Web Site!

You will notice changes to the web site. Please feel free to comment on it as well! The Jewish Observer of (WBTS) actually believes in Free Speech as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution for all Americans!

This is excellent to finally get my story finally out into the open! The Jewish Observer of (WBTS) is here to let you vent in your comments as well as to give it from your perspective as well!